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Route directions:

Cerri is headquartered in Buronzo, Vercelli province in Piedmont, Italy. From the Torino-Milano Highway, exit Carisio following Strada Provinciale 3 for 5 km, Biella direction, then take Strada Provinciale 6 for 850 meters to Buronzo. After turning to Balocco, you’ll find Cerri Dairy and Salami factory on the left, plus our Store/Outlet where you can enjoy a range of selected food at reasonable prices.

Orari punto vendita:

Monday  :     2:00pm - 6:00pm
Tuesday  :  8:00am - 12:00am  /  2:00pm - 6:00pm
Wednesday  :  8:00am - 12:00am  /  2:00pm - 6:00pm
Thursday  :  8:00am - 12:00am  /  2:00pm - 6:00pm
Friday  :  8:00am - 12:00am  /  2:00pm - 6:00pm
Saturday  :  8:00am - 12:00am